Fairweather's mobile remote medical clinic sets provide professional occupational medical support services to help companies achieve HSE team objectives on both land and sea. Utilizing years of remote Alaska experience, Fairweather's medical clinics offer a functional, multi-purpose design and are easily transported to mobile job sites. Fairweather maintains two levels of state-of-the-art clinical sets. These sets encompass the equipment and supplies necessary for physician assistants or paramedics/EMT-3s to functionally operate in a remote setting with medical oversight provided by board-certified emergency medical physicians. Fairweather's clinic sets are supported by an ongoing medical logistics program to accommodate continuous resupply demands. With an average project distance of over 750 miles, Fairweather overcomes extreme weather conditions utilizing innovative transportation solutions to keep clinics fully stocked at all times.
Remote medical clinics offer:
- A comprehensive design
- Standardization of services
- Full mobility
- On-site breath alcohol and urine drug screening
- A thorough inventory of medications, including:
- Over-the-counter medications
- Prescriptive medications (when staffed by our physician assistants)
- Thrombolytics
- Anticoagulants